Most compatible Breed of dog with your Zodiac Sign

Aquarius: Labrador or Golden Retriever

Aquarius people are very noble and have a great sense of justice. They are also creative, intelligent, humanitarian and independent. Therefore, a dog with these characteristics would attract this sign very well. The breeds that best suit this sign are Labradors or Goldens.

They are dogs that like to learn new skills and be constantly learning, like aquariums. So doing new activities together will be something that will greatly benefit owners and dogs.

Pisces: Saint Bernard

The most creative and sensitive sign requires a dog with similar characteristics. Such a person would fit very well with a saint bernard. It is a breed that gives its heart to its owners, so it also implies a mutual sacrifice between dog and owner.

It will always wait for you at home with a smile even if you come grumpy, it will wake you up with a smile on your worst days. They feel uncomfortable in a noisy and stressful environment, and will value peace, harmony and sensitivity more