There will be a return to simplicity in your life. You will see it at first as something negative but then you will prefer it. Also, there will be a period where you will lose control of some situations and another person will take it. Do not let them choose for you
You may want to say the beginning of a relationship with a person who attracts us a lot. The situation is of mutual attraction and it is just a matter of little time to materialize.
It can also refer to the beginning of a fruitful business relationship between a person you already know, who seems to conform perfectly to our needs. Also, a beginning of a personal project, diet, exercise program, etc that you will lead with decision.
There is a big, important work or personal project in which your collaboration will be very fundamental. Organizing, coordinating and planning tasks will be necessary, and you are important doing that. It is something for which you are fully trained, you just have to have the cold mind and devote more time to think the previous steps, before launching you to do it.
Mystical reading CARD 3
Mainly the symbol is about get very useful knowledge about the life, to take an effort without really worrying about the benefits that will be achieved in the long term, but to enjoy with the learning.
It can also refer to good economic news, maybe a stroke of luck. This horseshoe is perfect when you consult gambling, lotteries and betting.
The meaning is positive: You have worked hard to achieve goals. And even if you feel sometimes faint, the prize for your efforts is about to be paid. The fruit of your past will be given to you in the present. You must not fear for anything, for everything you have done has served something.This horseshoe is a clear symbol of the of patience and reward.
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